What to Expect After Gastric Bypass: Diet and Activity Restrictions
Also known as “Roux-en-Y,” gastric bypass surgery is among the most frequently performed weight loss procedures available. Gastric bypass has evolved significantly in the last few decades and the procedure can now be completed using minimally invasive and robotic-assisted techniques. Still, there are certain necessary restrictions to your diet and lifestyle that should be considered before making the choice to undergo gastric bypass surgery. In general, you can expect many pre- and post-operative changes from your diet, including:
- In the weeks preceding surgery, reducing your calorie intake is encouraged to help you prepare for the procedure. You may also be given certain vitamins and supplements to enhance your gastrointestinal health before surgery.
- A liquid diet will be advised for a few weeks before gastric bypass, which will continue for the first few days after surgery. Clear liquids may include broth, tea, and unsweetened juice.
- If your liquid diet is well-tolerated in the first week of healing, you will progress to mashed and blended foods like ground meat, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, etc.
- A protein-rich diet of solid foods can usually continue approximately eight weeks after the procedure.
- Once the recovery period is complete, you will need to permanently limit your intake of sugars and fats to avoid complications and maximize your weight loss.
Healing will progress gradually, requiring gastric bypass patients to closely follow Dr. Bagshahi’s instructions during recovery. While our team will personally advise you on post-operative guidelines based on your unique rate of healing, you can expect certain restrictions after surgery including:
- We recommend not driving until our team advises otherwise, particularly if you’re still taking pain medications.
- Avoid lifting anything over 15 to 20 pounds for the first six weeks.
- Lifting, pushing, or pulling movements may be prohibited during the initial stages of recovery depending on how well you’re healing.
Dr. Bagshahi understands that the decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery requires a lifetime commitment and an extensive team of support. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our weight loss practice at our DFW-area office to schedule a consultation to discuss your health goals.
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